Over the Fence


Equipment: 5-6 folding mats standing on end to split the gym in half, green garbage can full of multi-colored dodgeballs


Divide class into 2 teams, place folding mats up on ends between to team.  Scatter balls on both sides of playing area.  Mat stands as a "fence".  On signal, players may pick up one ball at a time and throw overhand over the fence.  Players attempt to throw as many balls over the fence as possible in the time limit (2-3 min) 

I check for correct throwing technique while are playing and if they continue to step with the wrong foot then I bring them to the side and have them practice on their own.

Count the balls on each side of the fence. The team having the least is the winner. Repeat for 3-4 rounds as you check to make sure you have students stepping with the correct foot.

If they continue to throw after you say freeze I tell them that I will add 5 pts to their score and that they need to remember lower score wins.

Concerns: Use soft balls, have another line on both sides of the fence that one can cross, this prevents them from getting too close to the mats.


Resources:  Tracy Nelson